
Plone site broken? Fix ir through the zodb

Today someone changed the ip on a dev box running an instance that had the ip as part of the url in CacheFu. So of course it won't load a page anymore. What to do? reinstall? nah. Let 's think for a second. Plone is a nice interface to Zope/CMF. Zope/CMF is a lovely interface to ZODB. ZODB is a persistence engine for Python objects. CacheFu's settings are persisted as atributes of a cache object in the ZODB. Let's just fix it directly....

/usr/local/{instance}/bin/zopectl debug
Starting debugger (the name "app" is bound to the top-level Zope object)
...{ 8< snip } ...
>>> import readline, rlcompleter, transaction
>>> readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
# now we have tab completion
# bind the plone root to s
>>> s = app.itcd
# bind our (s)ites cache settings to cc
>>> cc = s.portal_cache_settings
>>> cc.getDomains()
('',) ## <<== look there is our old value!!
# yup it needs to be this new value
>>> cc.setDomains("")
# and persisted. Otherwise it will be aborted at exit
>>> transaction.commit()

That was easy, no?

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